As a Momma with a teething Toddler, I can only say that Otis goes thru teething toys like I go thru chapstick. It never matters how many I have, I can never find one when I need it. {LOL} So when the Nuby childrens brand recently announced that I got to become part of its incredible Mommy Bloggers program I was ecstatic!
We have loved Nuby and its assorted products ever since my preschooler was tiny. And now as an affiliated Mommy Blogger, I will get to experiment and review different Nuby goodies to share with you on a regular basis. Whats even better, is that I’ll also be able to giveaway my favorites in Nuby blog posts as well! {Talk about a super-duper double bonus.} You’ll get to know what will work best with your child before you buy it AND have a chance to win it too!

Today I get to share some insight {& cute Toddler pics} of the Flip Flop Teething Book and the Loopy Lites toy.
Flip Flop Teething Book: Otis was absolutely enthralled! What I was really impressed with is the SIZE of the Teething Book. He really got to use both hands and investigate all its textures, multiple book pages, and squeaky parts. Even my 4 year-old {who’s learning to read} snuggled up next to us and asked me to read its simple verse. A great multi-functional toy, this is one to buy and be able to use continuously as your baby grows.
Loopy Lites Toy: Another great toy that we explored was the Loopy Lites disc. Otis is at a great age of investigation. If it has a button, a tag, or sound he wants to know all about it. And this toy definitely fits the bill for helping develop his hand-eye coordination. I found this as a great diaper bag and car item. It small enough for little hands but also to tuck away for a trip. And thankfully, its not loud or annoying so as to let him play with in public. The subtle rotating lights are great to keep his attention. And the fact that his sister loves stealing it away also makes for a wonderful game of Loopy-Tag too.
BUY IT: Know someone these are perfect for? You can find these Nuby products in-store and at online retailers such as
Sam J says
Looks great!
Sharon says
This looks perfect for those teething moments! and yes! I can totally relate. Where in the world does all the chapstick go? I thinki it’s the same place that all my daughter’s hair bows go!!! lol