What a question right? So many grand things flood the mind when you think of what could be if just ONE thing were different. You want to know the first thing that popped in my head however? Sleep.
Its been more then 14 months since I got a decent night of sleep. And when I mention the term decent, I really mean hibernating for more then 4 hours uninterrupted. And even before then, getting 8 hours was a challenge. Cause baby boy has been rocking his nights out since he could be felt doing his first kicks.
Currently, I don’t think I go through 2 hours without someone waking me up for something. Some days I feel like the sleep deprivation chops my intellect in half. All I can say is thank goodness for patient people and strong coffee. And thank the good Lord above for espresso. Because the strong coffee only gets me to the espresso anymore.
Perhaps that is what I should change in my life. Granting myself the ultimate espresso machine. At least it would save me a ton of money AND make sleep irrelevant while its such a fleeting visitor. What do you think? Would changing something simple make huge improvements in your life?

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