I am amazed. After years of dental issues involving my teeth and gums I am excited to admit that I’ve finally found a product that really works. {Let me repeat that for added effect…REALLY works.} And I couldn’t wait to share it with you. Because if you haven’t heard of or used Revitin toothpaste, then I’m sure you will…and should.
To understand where I’m coming from however, I must share that I’m fighting against periodontal gum disease. I do have a family history of it. But I didn’t actually have any issues with gum disease until after two high-risk pregnancies. {Medication I was on to sustain the pregnancies is known to leach calcium from the body.} So what pregnancy did to my gums and the medication did to my teeth; I’ve been in oral discomfort for quite awhile now.
In pain at least until I started using Revitin™ Oral Therapy with NuPath® BioActives. {Now that is quite the mouthful isn’t it?} And here’s another thing. Revitin costs $21.95. And I’m telling you that right now because its worth EVERY penny.

I’ve been using it for little over a month now, but my mouth pain ceased after only two days. In fact, I had a noticeable difference just after the first use. This toothpaste is smooth in texture, tastes wonderful, and doesn’t assault your mouth like other leading brands do. In fact, its literally edible.
You read that right. This is a toothpaste that doesn’t need a poison warning because it hasn’t any harmful ingredients or fluoride. For that reason, its safe for any age to use, infant to adult. Add in the fact that you only need to use a small pea-sized amount, and you’ll find that a little really does go a long way with this.
Honestly, I have tried to switch to other more homeopathic toothpastes in the past but I was always left in pain within a week. And it scares me to think that I may not have tried Revitin because of its cost. But when I sat down to itemize what we pay for 3 different kinds of toothpaste {Toddler, Regular, Sensitive} in our home for a month? I came to an average of $15 anyhow. NOW, we all use the same toothpaste and we all benefit far more for it.
What is more, is that I am ensuring that my children grow up to deflect a family history of gum disease from the start. They will learn that you don’t need harsh foaming ingredients for “clean” teeth. And I know first hand, that they will realize that “clean teeth” are supposed to feel just like it does when they walk out of a dentists office. Except they will experience that clean silky feeling twice a day instead of twice a year.
What makes this toothpaste so different {and amazing}? Then for that let me allow them to tell you.
Revitin Toothpaste: C.S. Bioscience founders Dr. Gerry Curatola and Dr. David Shuch created Revitin™ Oral Therapy with NuPath® BioActives, a homeopathic toothpaste. According to their research, it is the most significant advance in oral health care in over a generation.
Unlike other toothpastes, (most of which have a poison warning on the label), Revitin™ is safe enough to ingest and contains no harsh detergents or chemicals. Revitin™ Oral Therapy works with the natural defenses in the mouth. This toothpaste respects and works with the natural ecology of the mouth, and the needs of the cells, not stripping away the good bacteria like many other brands.
Think of Revitin™ as a conditioner for the gums, which is especially important these days when so many are using strong chemicals to whiten teeth. These teeth whitening chemicals, especially when used at home, can cause potential damage to the gums (after all, everyone who bleaches their hair, conditions it afterwards). Revitin™ has helped people with various throat and mouth disorders, as well as smokers. And for those needing to receive chemotherapy, Revitin™ helps to ease the pain and lessen the amount of mouth sores experienced during treatment.
Pretty awesome huh? And check out Dr. Gerry Curatola! Below you can find a YouTube clip summarizing all the fascinating aspects that he both builds his practice on, numerous mentions in the media, as well as his help in developing Revitin toothpaste with Dr. David Shuch {seen at 1:08}.
BUY IT: Revitin™ Oral Therapy with NuPath® BioActives toothpaste can be carried by your dentist to purchase. And if not already stocked at your local grocer, health food store, or dentist, make sure to ask them to! You can also buy it online at www.Revitin.com.
DISCOUNT: Roasted Beanz readers can use this discount code: Revitin684, which is valid for use until 9/6/2013, for a $2 discount at www.Revitin.com. But make sure to check out the various other online promotions they offer periodically as well.
Roasted Disclosure: I have had the {awesome} opportunity of bringing you this review post after having received said product{s} to test for its accurate completion. Please know that all my opinions within this article, whether negative or positive, are my own. Thank you.
Amber says
Great review, I love your pictures