Ahhhhhh sweet irony. I grew up among cornfields & dirt roads. To say I did everything I could to get away from a life visited by goats, chickens, turkeys, cows, pigs, & rabbits is an understatement. And with that ambitious fortitude, I traveled the country and effectively moved to the urban side of life.
Now fast forward to this past weekend when I {willingly} paid $24.50 to take my children to a local non-profit farm. Yes, full-on “Country in the City” complete with the free poo-poo shoe souvenir. All this flash-back fun so they could pet, feed, ride and laugh among the goats, chickens, turkeys, cows, pigs, rabbits, ducks, swans, peacocks, and ponies. They loved it.
All I can say now? Thank goodness for the ability to keep a dirt road in your back pocket {and a Starbucks sign on the horizon}.
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